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Special member [Corporate member]

Japan Philharmonic Orchestra carries out activities, hoping to contribute to the growth of culture by bringing high-quality performances to more people as an orchestra which represents the country.
In today's society, cultural maturity has become essential to further grow the society. The importance of culture has come to be talked more strongly even in daily lives of the people

Orchestras are interesting. They make rich music not only by the notes but also with the expansion of the sound made by the sensitivity and imagination of audiences that reaches to players and the players sending that energy back to the audience. Orchestras can bring excellent performances to people by growing distinctive music through longtime communication with its audience. Japan Philharmonic Orchestra strives to bring great performances to as many people as possible by cultivating this treasure which has been fostered with the audience for years.

It's regretted, however, that art groups including orchestras in Japan have fragile economic foundations incomparable to Europe. In addition, the unprecedented long-term economic slump still has a strong effect on multidiscipline even though the economy slightly shows the signs of upturns. For this reason, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra needs a wide social understanding and support to develop and grow what we do as an orchestra which has carried out multiple art activities centering around hosting performances.

Under today's circumstances, we, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, hope to fulfill our social responsibilities through more fulfilling performance activities, and yearn for strengthening the economic foundation with the aid of wide range of support. We look forward to the support of corporations which understand the performances and social contributing activities of Japan Philharmonic Orchestra.

Membership Information

Member period

One year from the date of paying the member fee
(up to the last day of the month, one year after the month when you pay the member fee)
If the expiration date approaches, we will ask you for renewal.

Member class (unit amount/yearly sum)

360,000 yen
* Benefits include invitation to subscription concerts and listing of your name in the program.

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