409th Yokohama Subscription Concert Read more about 409th Yokohama Subscription Concert Pre-concert talk "Orchestra Guide" Every time, we introduce highlights of the concert, program details and more before the concert starts.Saturday 16:20~ 助成:文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(舞台芸術等総合支援事業(創造団体支援))|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会 協力:横浜みなとみらいホール
404th Yokohama Subscription Concert Read more about 404th Yokohama Subscription Concert Pre-concert talk "Orchestra Guide" Every time, we introduce highlights of the concert, program details and more before the concert starts.Saturday 16:20~ 助成:文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(舞台芸術等総合支援事業(創造団体支援))|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会 後援:神奈川新聞社、tvk協力:横浜みなとみらいホール
401st Yokohama Subscription Concert Read more about 401st Yokohama Subscription Concert Pre-concert talk "Orchestra Guide" Every time, we introduce highlights of the concert, program details and more before the concert starts.Saturday 16:20~ 助成:文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(舞台芸術等総合支援事業(創造団体支援))|独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会 後援:神奈川新聞社、tvk協力:横浜みなとみらいホール
772nd Tokyo Subscription Concert Read more about 772nd Tokyo Subscription Concert Pre-concert talk "Today's Highlights" Every time, we introduce highlights of the concert, program details and more before the concert starts.Friday 18:30~Saturday 13:20~ 真夏の夜に輝く星々のファンタジーと佐藤作品がもたらす静寂(サイレンス)
771st Tokyo Subscription Concert Read more about 771st Tokyo Subscription Concert Pre-concert talk "Today's Highlights" Every time, we introduce highlights of the concert, program details and more before the concert starts.Friday 18:30~Saturday 13:20~ ハンガリーの巨匠にして世界中のアーティストから尊敬を集めるタカーチ・ナジ初登場!
767th Tokyo Subscription Concert Read more about 767th Tokyo Subscription Concert Pre-concert talk "Today's Highlights" Every time, we introduce highlights of the concert, program details and more before the concert starts.Friday 18:30~Saturday 13:20~ 山田和樹 まさに「威風堂々」!なイギリス音楽プログラム