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【60th Anniversary】Pietari Inkinen Chief Conductor Inaugural Concert


Conductor: Pietari INKINEN, Chief Conductor
Soprano: Lise LINDSTROM
Tenor: Simon O'NEILL

Richard WAGNER: Excerpts from "Siegfried"
Richard WAGNER: Excerpts from "Götterdämmerung"

S¥9,000 A¥8,000 B¥7,000 C(including block P)¥6,000 Gs¥6,000 Ys¥3,500 

Ys seat: For 25 years old and younger. Available for all concerts with the exception of Kobaken World. You can choose from seat types other than S seat.
Ks seat: For 25 years old and younger for Kobaken World (¥1500). You can choose from all seat types including S seat. Available only at Japan Phil Service Center (by phone/FAX/e-mail). We will ask your date of birth when you reserve. Please bring a certificate that can verify your age to the concert.

Gs seat: For over 65years old. Available for concerts other than Suginami Koukaidou series and subscription concerts. You can choose from seat types other than S seat type. Availabe only at Japan Phil Service Center (by phone/FAX/e-mail). We will ask your date of birth when you reserve. Please bring a certificate that can verify your age to the concert.

 歌手にワーグナーの聖地バイロイト音楽祭でも常連となっている世界的ヘルデン・テノール サイモン・オニールと、メトロポリタン歌劇場をはじめ世界で活躍するソプラノのリーゼ・リンドストロームを招きます。まさにワールドクラスの演奏を皆様に届いたします。なおインキネン、オニール、日本フィルの3者は2013年9月の定期でも共演(ワーグナー《ワルキューレ》第1幕)をしており、その圧倒的なパフォーマンスは極めて高い評価を得ております。


It is a great honor to be offered the role of Chief Conductor of the Japan Philharmonic and to extend my role with this great orchestra. During my time as Principal Guest of the orchestra, my relationship with the entire organization, musicians and administration alike, has become one that allows me to feel part of a large family with one common goal, and with this commitment I hope we will further inspire broader audiences while deepening our own very fruitful relationship.  In the coming seasons I look forward to conducting a great deal from the great German composers such as Wagner and Bruckner, and to continue to strive for dynamic programs that challenge the orchestra and audience alike. 

Pietari Inkinen



公益財団法人 ローム ミュージック ファンデーション
公益財団法人 朝日新聞文化財団

公益財団法人 三菱UFJ信託芸術文化財団
公益財団法人 花王 芸術・科学財団


イベント託児®マザーズ TEL : 0120-788-222(平日10:00~17:00)
キッズルーム ミューズ ※東京芸術劇場公演のみ TEL: 03-3981-7003